
It’s March 1st, 2020. That means that, after 35 months of drawing, Success!, the world’s first comic opera, comes to a close.

In a later blog post, I’m going to chronicle the history of the play, from the summer of 1994, when I picked up a copy of Martin Amis’s novel by the same name in a bookstore in the UK, to about 30 minutes ago, March 1st, 2020, when I drew the last hash mark on those little tombstones and uploaded these final pages to the website.

Until then, I’m going to take a short break and relish the free time I have regained as a result of finishing a 3-year project. The free time won’t last long. In a few weeks I will begin the search for a publisher for a possible print version of Success!. It would be an absolute dream to see it on a bookstore shelf somewhere. While I search for a publisher, I will also be tweaking Success!, making small cosmetic changes and fixes, most notably where some of my early drawings look funny to me now. I will also begin work on my next musical play, which I’m very much looking forward to diving into. That play may or may not become the world’s second comic opera. We’ll see.

For now, I’d like to extend HUGE and HEARTFELT thanks to my wonderful and generous donors and patrons, who have made monthly contributions of their hard-earned moolah to keep the lights on here at Reclinerland HQ. I can’t thank enough the following amazing people:

Jim Hatton

Nima Khorassani

Patrick Gamble

Stephanie Johnson

Joe Streng

Judi and Ross Tandowsky

I will miss Nicholas, Gregory, and all of their friends (and enemies). I have had an amazing time drawing this comic, and I have further comic projects in mind for the future.

Finally, let me extend my heartfelt thanks to you, my readers, for sticking with me on this long journey. As always, more later.
